
Little helper functions and classes for several use-cases.

Group Permissions

A TemplateView-mixin is provided, which checks if user is logged in and if user is member of certain groups. To check group permissions on a TemplateView, simply inherit from GroupCheckMixin as well and define groups to check.


from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from utils.permissions import GroupCheckMixin

class MyView(GroupCheckMixin, TemplateView):
    groups_to_check = ['group1', 'group2']
    template_name = 'my_template.html'


A templatetag label is provided to easily load labels into templates. To do so, labels can be configured in a file labels.cfg within application folder. Section, subsection, etc. are supported (use : to separate sections) to organize labels within needed structure.


<!-- Loads label-templatetag -->
{% load labels %}

<!-- Tries to load label 'description' from section 'general' and subsection 'landing_page' from labels.cfg -->
{% label 'general:landing_page:title' %}

with labels.cfg as:

        title = Das ist die Startseite!

Additionally, the label template tag supports two attributes:

  • safe (boolean, default=False): Can be set to allow import of html-code
  • app (str, default=None): Can be set explicitly to load labels from given app (Must be set, if template tag is requested from widget or form template)


The labels templatetag uses requested path to specify for which application a label is requested. Thus, path stemp/index/ will try to load labels from application stemp. If template tag is used within widget or form template, app attribute has to be set. If no label is found or given (sub-) section is not found, None will be returned.

Feedback Form

A feedback form is available which can be used in all apps. The feedback is send via e-mail using an Exchange account. Required configuration parameters for the Exchange account are WAM_EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT, WAM_EXCHANGE_EMAIL and WAM_EXCHANGE_PW. They must be set in the [WAM] section of the config.cfg file, see Configuration file for details.

To use the form, just add the view to your urls like

# my_app/

from utils.views import FeedbackView

admin_url_patterns = [
    path(<path to other view>),
    path('feedback/', FeedbackView.as_view(app_name='<my app name>'), name='feedback')

Make sure you have the parameter email set in your app.cfg, example:

# my_app/app.cfg
category = app
name = ...
icon = ...
email = 'address_of_app_admin@domain.tld'

This address is used to send feedback messages for the app. If the Exchange account or app admin’s e-mail address is not configured correctly, the user will be redirected to an error page.

Customizing Admin Site

With custom admin site, it is possible to add app-specific views to admin pages. The WAM-backend is configured to search for list admin_url_patterns in for every app. Those urls are internally added in AdminSite.get_url() and are afterwards available on admin site.

An additional view for admin site can now integrated via:

# my_app/

from my_app import views

admin_url_patterns = [

Afterwards, this view would be accessible (to all users!, see example below for admin-only-access) under …/admin/my_url.

An additional example can be found in Stemp Tool MV

from wam.admin import wam_admin_site
from stemp import views_admin

admin_url_patterns = [

Please notice the wrapping of custom view into wam_admin_site.admin_view function - this will guarantee admin-only access!