API Changes

List of API-Changes which have to be regarded when using WAM-Django-Backend.

7667dc9 (29.11.2018)

Renamed utils.utils to utils.shortcuts

8ad8e54 (26.11.2018)

Now, entire engine name has to be set in config-file. Example for case of django backend:

# In config.cfg:

         ENGINE = django.db.backends.postgresql  # instead of postgresql
         HOST = localhost
         PORT = 5432
         NAME = wam_database
         USER = wam_admin
         PASSWORD = wam_password

551866e (19.11.2018)

In order to customize/edit admin site per app, the default admin site from django.contrib.admin.site is exchanged with wam.admin.wam_admin_site. This new AdminSite class is used as default admin site for WAM-backend. Thus, your models will not appear in admin site, until you changed your code to use wam_admin_site instead. Fortunately, this is very easy…

Instead of this “normal” looking admin.py file in app-folder:

from django.contrib import admin
from my_app import models


Simply import wam_admin_site and register your model there:

from wam.admin import wam_admin_site
from my_app import models


With this little change, everything works as expected. But now, you are able to extend WAM-admin site! See Customizing Admin Site for more information.

